Brazilian writer-director Felipe Bragança, whose “Don’t Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl!” played Sundance and Berlin in 2017, has enrolled a team of cutting edge Brazilian indigenous artists to realize movie...
O filme Um Animal Amarelo, uma co-produção luso-brasileira, foi um dos vencedores do Festival de Cinema de Gramado, no Brasil. A longa-metragem realizada por Felipe Bragança, produzida pela Duas Mariola (Brasil) e...
“Don’t Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl!”, a Brazilian feature film directed by Felipe Bragança and starring Cauã Reymond will represent Brazilian cinema at the World Cinema Competition of the 2017...
The feature film “Sultry” directed by Marina Meliande with the production of Duas Mariola and Enquadramento Produções won the Work in Progress award at BoostNL from the Holland Film Meeting...
“Song to the Siren”, a new project by Duas Mariola directed by Indira Dominici and produced by Marina Meliande, received honorable mention at the last edition of the co-production forum...